Paul Stamets & Joe Rogan on Microdosing

Major universities and colleges studying psilocybin magic mushrooms microdosing

Universities currently engaged in clinical studies on psilocybin magic mushrooms include
Major ivy league colleges such as Stanford, Harvard, John Hopkins, and many more!

World’s Largest Mobile Microdosing Study

  • Paul Stamets and UBC Dept of Psychology organizes a crowdsourced microdosing study to learn the positive effects on cognitive function, anxiety, PTSD, and depression.
  • Join the study and download the iOS / Android app to participate in the study!

life changing benefits of microdosing

  • Regenerating neurons (neurogenesis)
  • Behavioural benefits (mood / cognition)
  • Reduce tobacco consumption
  • Found to be more effective than macrodosing by taking 1/10 of a normal dosage
  • Treatment for anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Note: Tripping at a microdose level does NOT make you high

Adults who microdose psychedelics report health related motivations and lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to non‑microdosers

  • The use of psychedelic substances at sub‑sensorium ‘microdoses’, has gained popular academic interest for reported positive effects on wellness and cognition. The present study describes microdosing practices, motivations and mental health among a sample of self‑selected microdosers and non‑microdosers via a mobile application
  • Psilocybin was the most commonly used microdose substances in our sample (85%) and we identified diverse microdose practices with regard to dosage, frequency, and the practice of stacking which involves combining psilocybin with non‑psychedelic substances such as Lion’s Mane mushrooms, chocolate, and niacin.
  • Microdosers were generally similar to non‑microdosing controls with regard to demographics, but were more likely to report a history of mental health concerns. Among individuals reporting mental health concerns, microdosers exhibited lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress across gender.
  • Health and wellness‑related motives were the most prominent motives across microdosers in general, and were more prominent among females and among individuals who reported mental health concerns.
  • Our results indicate health and wellness motives and perceived mental health benefits among microdosers, and highlight the need for further research into the mental health consequences of microdosing including studies with rigorous longitudinal designs.

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